Unlocking Prosperity: Creating Meaningful Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
By Tosin Eniolurunda There is one undeniable truth, that even the most ardent of skeptics might actually hold to be true – Nigeria, as Africa’s most populous nation, has the potential to become the greatest country on the continent. From its vast arable land to an enormous population which has a high propensity to be…
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Fintech for the Unbanked & Undeserved
Fintech for the Unbanked & Undeserved Panel session covering the challenges, costs, impact alongside innovative solutions and steps companies are taking to ensure financial inclusion and provision of vital services to the unbanked and underserved featuring expert insights from Victor Ndlovu - Director, Business Development Lead East Africa from Mastercard, Omondi Ochieng - Head of...
#ATSNBO4G CapitalAfricaAfrica Mobile & App SummitAfrica Money & DeFi SummitAfrica Startup SummitAfrica Tech Summit NairobiAfrican TechBank of KigaliEzrah Charitable TrustFinancial InclusionFintechInvestmentMAGMATECHMastercardMoniepointMoniepoint Stagetechnology
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The Future of Payments – Keynote by Shehryar Ali, Mastercard
The Future of Payments The Future of Payments - a keynote delivered by Shehryar Ali, Country Manager for East Africa, Mastercard at Africa Tech Summit Nairobi 2023 As a technology company in the payments industry, Mastercard are committed to building partnerships that enable the connection and powering of an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone,...
#ATSNBOAfricaAfrica Mobile & App SummitAfrica Money & DeFi SummitAfrica Startup SummitAfrica Tech Summit NairobiAfrican TechFinancial InclusionFintechKeynoteMastercardMoniepoint Stagetechnology
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