The Future of Digital Commerce
session explored the current state of digital commerce and how companies are coping with the gabs in infrastructure gab and reaching customers across Africa especially in rural areas. Insights on the implications of building services that meets the customers where they are with cases of companies that are breaking boundaries to digitally serve customers across the continent.
The panelist include; Souleymane Gning – Founder & CEO at @Assuraf_Tech, Niyi Adegboye – Co-Founder at @myIdentitypass, Mesongo Sibuti – CTO & Co-Founder at @MarketForce and Eric Muli – Co-founder and CEO at @LipaLater and moderated by Jane Del Ser – Principal Consultant at @BFAGlobal
On February 15th & 16th 2023 Africa Tech Summit hosted ATS Nairobi with 1350 attendees from 59 countries who listened and learned from 155 speakers across 59 sessions. It was a jam packed few days of keynotes, masterclass sessions, fireside chats, panels and pitches. View the session from across the Africa Money and Defi Summit, Africa Startup Summit and Mobile & App Summit here.
Visit Africa Tech Summit for the latest info on Africa Tech Summit London , Africa Money & DeFi Summit West Africa and Africa Tech Summit Nairobi
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#ATSNBOAfricaAfrica Mobile & App SummitAfrica Startup SummitAfrica Tech Summit NairobiAfrican TechASSURAFBFA GlobalBuilding Customer TrustData SecurityDigital CommerceDigital IdentityDigital InclusionDigital PaymentseCommerceIdentityPassLipa LaterMarketForcemCommerceRegulationsSustainabilitytechnology